Other correspondence
In addition to letters the Procurator General receives in the context of special duties, such as the external complaints procedure and cassation in the interest of the law, the Procurator General also receives other letters every year. The writers of the letters present various questions and problems to the Procurator General in the hope that he has an answer or a solution. The letters regard, among other things, reports of criminal offences against persons or agencies and/or requests for prosecution, requests to intervene in a case or to assume responsibility for adjudicating a case and requests for legal advice.
In 2022, the Procurator General received 45 of those letters. All but one of these letters were answered in 2022. In addition, two letters from 2021 were answered in early 2022.
- Voorwoord
Een zaak van begin tot eind
De Hoge Raad
- Contacten met de wetgever
Het parket bij de Hoge Raad
- Cassatie in het belang der wet
- Herziening
- Schorsing en ontslag van rechters
- Strafrechtelijke vervolging van bewindspersonen of Kamerleden
- Toezicht op het Openbaar Ministerie
- Toezicht verwerking persoonsgegevens gerechten en parket bij de Hoge Raad
- Externe klachtzaken
- Interne klachtzaken
- Aanwijzen ander gerecht
- Betekening van exploten
- Samenstelling Parket 31-12-2022
- Overige correspondentie
Annual report
- The Supreme Court
- The Civil Division
- The Criminal Division
- The Tax Division
- Law of the European Union
- The Fourth Division
- Internal complaint cases
- Contacts with the legislator
- The Procurator General’s Office at the Supreme Court
- Cassation in the interest of the law
- Review
- Supervision of the Public Prosecution Service (OM)
- Right of complaint (external authority)
- Other correspondence